Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Pada akhir tahun 2016 ini Provinsi Timur Arab Saudi melalui Saudi Arabian Athletic Federation mengadakan Charity Run (lari untuk amal) dengan jarak tempuh 5 km. Acara ini berlokasi di pinggir pantai, yakni di daerah Corniche Khobar. Acara yang sebelumnya dijadwalkan pada tanggal 26 November akhirnya harus dijadwal ulang menjadi 10 Desember dikarenakan permasalahan cuaca.

Prof. Oki Muraza (tiga dari kiri) bersama mahasiswa Indonesia dan anak-anak Saudi
Peserta Charity Run dibedakan atas kategori umur, usia anak-anak, usia remaja, usia orang dewasa, dan usia lansia.  Masing-masing kategori usia akan diambil tiga orang tercepat untuk diberi hadiah dan penghargaan.

Pada Charity Run yang ke-21 ini, beberapa mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang menimba ilmu di King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral (Dhahran) ditemani Prof. Oki Muraza (dosen Indonesia di KFUPM) tidak ketinggalan ikut berpartisipasi. Mereka menyelesaikan rute 5 km Charity Run ini dalam kisaran waktu 35-50 menit. 

Charity Run ke-21 ini  mendapatkan antusias tinggi, terbukti dari ribuan peserta yang hadir. Even ini terbuka bagi penduduk di Arab Saudi dari berbagai kebangsaan. Adapula sesi khusus lari yang disediakan bagi peserta dengan kebutuhan khusus.

Pemenang kategori berkebutuhan khusus

Penganugerahan para juara
Charity Run yang diadakan rutinan tiap tahun ini bertujuan menyebarkan pesan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan kepedulian sosial.  Salah satu pesan kesehatan tersebut adalah dengan ajakan olahraga lari. Lari adalah olahraga sangat murah karena dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Kemudian masyarakat diajak beramal melalui biaya pendaftaran sebagai bentuk kepedulian sosial. Pihak lain seperti Saudi Aramco dan perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya di Saudi Arabia juga turut mendukung terlaksananya even ini.

Berpartisipasi dalam Charity Run ke-21 Provinsi Timur Saudi Arabia

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Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

IATMI Talk - Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di era Modern

Sharing knowledge pada acara IATMI Talk keenam di penghujung tahun 2016 kali ini membahas mengenai berbagai isu menarik mengenai teknologi informasi yang berkembang di dunia perminyakan. Dua pembicara memberikan materi mengenai pengalaman meraka yang sudah lama melalang buana di dunia teknologi informasi khususnya di industri migas.

Pembicara pertama adalah mahasiswa senior S2 jurusan Software Engineering di KFUPM. Beliau membawakan materi mengenai tantangan dan kesempatan dalam pengembangan mobile apps di era modern ini. Persentasi berlangsung selama kurang lebih 20 menit, serta sesi tanya jawab selama 10 menit. Diskusi berlangsung sangat menarik, beberapa peserta tertarik dengan tema yang dibawakan oleh pemateri. Salah satunya adalah pertanyaan mengenai estimasi biaya untuk membuat suatu sistem yang berbasis teknologi informasi di suatu daerah yang masih minim sarana dan prasarana telekomunikasi di suatu wilayah terpencil.

"Untuk jumlah pastinya, saya tidak bisa mengkalkulasi secara tepat karena banyak sekali komponen yang harus dimasukkan pada saat mengkalkulasi biaya totalnya. Namun untuk detil pengeluaran dan cara instalasinya saya paham dengan baik karena pernah mendapatkan projek serupa sebelumnya", jawab saudara Yusuf menanggapi pertanyaan dari rekannya sesama mahasiswa mengenai total estimation cost untuk suatu projek yang berbasis teknologi informasi.

Pembicara kedua adalah manajer operasi dari Petrolink, bapak Budhi Nugraha. Beliau menyampaikan topik mengenai penggunaan sistem real time monitoring dimana saat ini perusahaan-perusahaan service di oil industry sedang berlomba-lomba mengembangkan teknologi ini. Real time monitoring sendiri adalah merupakan salah satu pengembangan teknologi informasi yang mengedepankan efisiensi serta efektivitas pada setiap prosesnny. Jarak, yang sebelumnya merupakan halangan utama antara para pegawai di lapangan/ kantor cabang dengan para pengambil keputusan perusahaan yang berada di kantor pusat menjadi kian mudah menyelesaikan permasalahan mengenai pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dilakukan secara cepat, efisien, dan tepat sesuai dengan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan.
Di penghujung acara, pak Budhi menyampaikan bahwa sebagai manusia, kita sudah seharusnya siap dengan segala kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang begitu cepat sekarang in. Jangan malah susah untuk move on dari teknologi sebelumnya hanya karena sudah terlalu nyaman dengan teknologi yang sudah biasa kita pakai dan tidak mau belajar untuk sesuatu yang mungkin lebih baik kedepannya.

Presentasi pertama yang disampaikan oleh saudara Yusuf Mufti yang memaparkan mengenai mobile apps development

Para peserta acara IATMI-Talk sedang memperhatikan pemaparan dari presenter pertama

Jajanan ala Indonesia yang selalu dinanti ketika acara ini berlangsung

Penyerahan memento kepada saudara Yusuf Mufti oleh Ketua IATMI-KSA bapak Sonny Irvana

Pak Budhi dari Petrolink sedang menjelaskan kepada kami mengenai real time monitoring system di oil industry

Bapak Oki Muraza, salah satu dosen di KFUPM menyerahkan memento kepada pembicara kedua, bapak Budhi

Foto bersama antara pembicara dengan para peserta IATMI Talk

IATMI Talk Ke-6 : Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di era Modern

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Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

The 4th IATMI TALK – Current global condition in Oil Industry

Aviandy Widya Ismanto *

The IATMI-Talk is a monthly event collaboration between PPMI Dhahran (Indonesian Student Association in Dhahran) and IATMI-KSA (Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to share and establish a bridge between academic (students as well as lecturers) and industry. The fourth (4th) IATMI-Talk-Alhamdulillah-was successfully organized last week, 6th October 2016 at building 59 KFUPM Main Campus, Dhahran. However, last week’s event was discussing the recent issues in Oil and Gas industry, the decreasing of oil price, seemingly do not make any progress to increase the value until the end of this year. Mr. Ardian Nengkoda, PhD, Senior Petroleum Engineer from Saudi Aramco who already have experienced more than 20 years in oil and gas industry and got bunch of awards under his name was the speaker of this event. He pursued his bachelor degree in University of Indonesia, Jakarta, and then continued his PhD in University of Boras in Boras, Sweden with background in Chemical Engineering (specialized in offshore methane gas hydrate production research). He was also a former president of IATMI KSA (Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) period 2014-2016.

Mr. Sonny, president of IATMI KSA with Mr. Lamda, technical vice president of IATMI KSA opened and welcomed attendances for this event.
Mr. Ardian during his talk pointed out about various concerns in oil and gas industry in consequence of the falling of oil price
The presentation started with the history of oil price from late 40’s till now. He explained that the world without oil is the greatest vision of some researchers who establish their research in renewable energy. Though, it needs lot of work because most of the countries around the world tried to escape from fossil fuel energy and slowly rely on renewable energy, yet it still does not work in that way. The reserve of fossil fuel is dominated by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) members, which include the United States and Saudi Arabia as two major countries produced fossil fuel with approx. 11 million barrel per day (OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin, 2016). The member of OPEC mainly relies on fossil fuel energy as their main income. At this moment, those countries are looking for another options to maintain their income as the continuing weakness in oil prices such as tourism object and other commodities. In Middle East area, several major oil produced countries (i.e. UEA, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait) do not fear for the conventional oil lifting cost since it is cheaper than other areas (America and Europe) about 30 USD per barrel oil.

Mr. Ardian was explaining about a result of economic analyst research that predicts the phenomena of falling of oil price at this moment is not an astonishing object. Although, this trend is a normal continuing cycle called the super cycle of sale common commodities in the market. Caused by falling demand following the 1970s energy crisis in early 80’s, the price slightly rose up to 100 USD per barrel, then started stable at 60-70 USD per barrel after that in 2 years and downed to 29 USD in mid-80’s. When Gulf War started in early 90’s, the oil price slowly increased to 61 USD, then stable at 30-40 USD per barrel till the 20th century. While in early July 2008, the price reached its peak at 145.3 USD per barrel, then the price jumped down to level 40 USD in early 2009. An economic analyst stated that the decreasing of oil price was affected by oversupply in the global market. OPEC meeting in Algeria last week, announced some solutions to raise the price, one of them decreases the production rate by 500.000 – 700.000 BPD (barrel per day) and expect oil price will start increasing by the end of 2016. They also predicted that the stable price of oil is likely 60-75 USD per barrel and expected to increase within 10-24 months.
"As a professional, we have to learn and develop various new skills. Whatever it is, as long as it is essential for your life in the future", said Mr. Ardian.
In the end of his talk, Mr. Ardian gave us motivation about how do we respond with respect to the weakness of oil price.
"Slow but sure, renewable energy will take place as the major energy in the future. For example, UEA had a huge project in solar cell system which cheaper than oil to generate electricity. Yet, oil remains as the major energy now." 
Mr. Dicky, Saudi Aramco's employee, said in a response to Mr. Ardian’s statement about what should we do as a professional nowadays. Mr. Khairul, Mr. Ardian’s colleagues in Saudi Aramco also added,

“For especially in Saudi Arabia, the decreasing of oil price does not much affecting because Saudi Aramco is the only operator for the whole country. Though, in other countries which have numerous operators, international oil companies have to rethink if they have to invest in a country which has small total hydrocarbon reserve."
The participants of this event showed enthusiasm during the presentation by Mr. Ardian.
President of IATMI KSA, Mr. Sonny gave a memento directly to Mr. Ardian.
A group photo with Mr. Ardian
Several KFUPM students with a new lecturer after the presentation.

*Aviandy Widya Ismanto (@aviandy18)
 Geology Master Student
 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

The 4th IATMI TALK – Current global condition in Oil Industry

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Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

Thursday morning, 28th January 2016, Geosciences department held a trip to Hafar Al-Batin. The participants are all students which took geophysics exploration course for graduate student and senior project in undergraduate class. They have to attend this trip because it is related to its course which they took. In total, 25 students from both undergraduate and graduate were participating in this trip. They came from various nationality such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and also Saudi Arabia. From Indonesian, there are 5 people, Bagus, Hanif, Ryan, Latif from geophysics; Dipta, and Andi from geology; then Mas Hilal from Electrical Engineering department.

This trip was organized by Geosciences KFUPM and supported by ARGAS (seismic acquisition service company) and SAUDI ARAMCO (Saudi Arabia’s national oil company). They invited us to visit their field near Hafr Al Batin town and watched their seismic acquisition project there. The main purpose of this trip is to improve our knowledge in acquisition seismic data. As a geologist, we had to know about this job in specific to maintain geophysical related-job. In contrast, for geophysics this trip related to their study.
The distance between Hafr Al Batin from our lovely campus. We reached our hotel approximately after 5 hours drove from our campus in Dhahran.
We went from campus on Thursday at 12.00 pm. We gathered in Building 1 and went together using KFUPM bus. Our supervisor during this trip is Dr. Abdullatif A. Alshuhail and Dr. Ismail Kaka from Geosciences Department. They are well-known geophysicist which have a lot of experiences both in industry and academic. We stayed for 3 days on this trip, 2 days for reach the basecamp and one day for visit to Hafar Al-Batin field. During this fieldwork, we slept in an apartment named the Boudl resort and hotel which is located in center of Hafr Al Batin town.
The situation in the bus before we left to Hafr Al Batin. In this photo, in the left mas Hilal was chatting with his fellow from Chinese (Mr. I-don’t-know-his-name), whilst in the right mas Bagus was thinking about his future and mas Hanif was talking with his friend (mas Dipta)
The lobby of Boudl hotel is incredible. Mas Hilal and Dipta was talking about their opinions during this trip.
Dinner at McD close to the Boudl Resort and Hotel. We met with two Saudi guys which very hilarious and kind to us (on the far left). We ordered a small portion of chickens with cola and it cost less than 100 SAR.
The trip started on Friday morning and went to the field after taking breakfast. The temperature was low, approximately less than 0 degree Celsius and windy in the outside. They were waiting for us when we reached the basecamp. They were welcoming us to visit their camp. The first explanations come from HSE department. They explained about health, safety, and environment should be followed by us during this trip. They emphasize that anyone who entered this area may use safety boot, helmet, and glass. If they do not follow this regulation, they cannot get access to enter this area. After we finished with the HSE skills, we moved into the navigation room to watch their daily job. This navigation room had a big task to navigate and locate the position of each geophone in their working area. They worked together with geology and geophysics to relocate the geophone in its place based on geoscience knowledge and match with the current situation in the field during acquisition data due to some noises from vehicle vibration, topography contrast, and powerline cables.
ARGAS basecamp in the field. It looks like lovely place to stay during the fieldwork.
Explanation of geophone position by Mr. Gunawan from ARGAS. By the way, he is Indonesian. He pursued his bachelor degree in Geodesy department at ITB, Indonesia.
After praying Jum’at, we followed them to the real field acquisition. In this part, we can see their work in the last 5 months. They divided survey area into 5 blocks, but so far, they finished 4 blocks. Now, they focus in the last block close to the border with Kuwait. For the last block, they expect to finish within 2 months because the due date for this project will expire on March 2016. This field work highly depends on skill and experience from their workers. If they recruit an expert, they will take benefit from it. However, if they hire a freshman to do this job, they might be in a huge risk.
The geophone was cleaned from dust to make sure their geophone is still working well.
The company-man was explaining about seismic which is most likely related to acquisition data.
This is how we eat our lunch during the fieldwork. The food was provided by ARGAS.
The ARGAS-man was telling us how to make this tool (geophone) works and how do they acquire data using it.
Saturday morning, we packed our stuff then went back to Dhahran. That was awesome trip. We have learned many things about geosciences especially in geophysics skills, and the most important thing is we watched how to do a 3D seismic survey.
Our last dinner before we came back to Dhahran. Anyway, the cuisine for dinner was common in Saudi Arabia, they called it as khabsa with chicken (chicken khabsa). This is a tradional dish in the Middle East, not only in Saudi Arabia.
The group photo of the company-men with KFUPM team member.
For geoscientists who want to join us in the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (CPG-KFUPM), we would like to inform you that KFUPM is the leading university in the Middle East in the sense of earth sciences (QS University Rankings: Arab Region 2015). We would like to welcome you as a new student on our beloved campus.

Stay tune in our blog, see you on our next journey.

Aviandy Widya Ismanto

Geosciences Trip: Hafr Al-Batin – Enjoy the splendid nature of Saudi Arabia

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